Thursday, January 17, 2008


Carson has strep throat :( Bummer. Seems like he's had a touch of everything this winter! He's on antibiotics so hope to have him back to himself in no time....

Sunday, January 6, 2008

New Years Eve

We were wild!! We visited out friends, Jamie, Lisa & Brielle and took the kids to Chuck E Cheese before putting them to bed --- then we enjoyed some great food & drinks & games. It was a good time.

Taking down the tree

Carson had MUCH more fun helping mommy "destroy" the tree than putting it up!! I'm pretty sure the color codes are not in order for next year - but that's okay!

Perhaps the best gift of them all?!?!?

We drove out to Clarkfield on December 29th and boy did this travel DVD player come in handy!

Christmas at home

We're home!! We spend part of Christmas Day and the day after at our house enjoying all our new toys!!

Christmas in Litchfield!

Christmas Eve -
We spent a few days at my parent's house. Despite my dad not feeling well, we still managed to have a good time. Carson seemed to get a little more into the idea of opening the presents and didn't want to open any more once he found one to play with! He was a spoiled little boy and we brought home many toys that make a lot of noise!

Christmas in Fargo

We spent Saturday & Sunday (22nd & 23rd) in Fargo with Mark's family. The highlight for Carson was probably his time spent at Chuck E Cheese - we were surprised that he actually went up front to meet him! This was Carson's first taste of presents and he wasn't sure what to think...more interested in the packaging and/or the old toys that grandma had out for him........